Quotes That Will Make You Hungry For Success
Last week I was fortunate enough to enjoy a dinner with some incredibly inspirational people who were sharing stories and anecdotes about their lives, and how they managed to find success. One person who was in attendance was the real estate developer Pedro Martin, a...
Al Hartman Looks at the 10 Steps to Close a Real Estate Deal
Technically, a real estate deal is “closed” when all the paperwork is signed and the new owner gets the keys. Before that happens, there are a few things that you have to know about. Having some insider knowledge about how a real estate proposition works, and not just...
Larry Polhill’s Top Resume Tips for College Graduates
Have you recently graduated college, or are you about to? Then it is likely that you don’t have a job lined up for you just yet. Larry Polhill understands like no other that it can be difficult to find a new job. The previous Director of the SEC (securities and...