If you ever underestimated the power of promotional merchandise, chances are, your business has lost out on a huge chunk of marketing. Small Business Enterprises (SMEs) cannot undermine the pertinence of promotional products in developing their brand image. While large companies can afford to expend huge sums of money on other means of advertising, SME’s can secure significant market share through this productive investment.
If these words seem ineffectual, get ready to have your mind blown away with a set of reasons reiterating the importance of promotional gear for marketing your business!
Increases Your Customer Base
Did you know? 84% of users remembered the brand that gave them a promotional product and 50% were likely to call back after receiving one. Through the simple act of giving out promotional products, you can etch your brand name in the minds of prospective consumers. Moreover, products like a pen or pad may be transferred from one client to another, marketing your business and consequently enhancing customer base.
Improves Relations with Customers
Businesses do not thrive by one time customers. They need customer loyalty and advocacy to incur repeat sales and generate greater revenue. When businesses are actively vying for new customers as well as enhancing their relationships with existing ones, tactics like promotional merchandise prove supremely beneficial. Goodwill gestures like sending out pens or bags branded with your business name and logo will create a pleasant impression in the mind of your consumer, paving the way for repeat sales and word of mouth advertisement.
Improves ROI
The great thing about promotional gear is that it proves to be cost effective, especially for SME’s restrained by a budget. You may even qualify for a discount once you start getting products in bulk. As the name suggests, promotional products promote your business without incurring heavy costs. In return, you are enhancing your customer base and prompting repeat sales which are likely to get you much more revenue than you initially invested. With this, you’ll be left looking at a satisfactory Return on investment (ROI).
Keeps Your Customers Interested
Since your customers are becoming smarter, you need to adopt different strategies to attract them to your business as well! Instead of sticking to dated methods of marketing, try out fresh tactics that will appeal to this new generation of customers. Assert your brand image by choosing from a variety of branded items from innovative businesses like Custom Gear, that too, on a budget! Through a wide choice of products to send out every time, you can ensure your customers interested for a long time.
Lend Your Marketing Longevity
Most users tend to keep the promotional products they receive, increasing the time duration in which these products market and purport your brand name. Hence, promotional products are a durable marketing tactic that can create a long lasting exposure to your business.
With a variety of promotional products like pens, hats, bags and clothing to choose from, instil your brand and name and logo in the minds of consumers, paving way for effective marketing, increased ROI, repeat sales and enhanced customer base!