Let’s be honest, we would all like to have a little extra money coming in each month especially ahead of vacations and the holiday season. Whilst on the face of it this may appear like something which is difficult to do, there are in fact a huge amount of ways in which you can make a nice amount of money on the side of your day job.
I have been working for many years to try and forge a successful second income, and I have done very well so far. If you want to do as I have, here are some of the best ways in which you can make some extra money, outside of work.
Multi Level Marketing
I want to start off with something that has brought me great success and that is working in multi level marketing, specifically in my case with Jeunesse Global. The company that I work for sell wonderful skin and beauty products and after selling them for a few years, I was able to enlist a team of sales people who report to me. If you are looking for extra cash, you can sell with a multi level marketing company, or use their business model to turn it into your very own business.
Online Freelance
Before the opportunity to work for Jeunesse came along, I was making some greta additional money through freelance work online. At first glance you may think that there is no way that you have the skills to work online, but a great many of the jobs require nothing more than basic skills. I am something of technophobe but that didn’t stop me from earning extra money online through writing content, handling social media and doing admin tasks for my online clients. Head to the website Upwork where you’ll find a whole range of freelance jobs which you can easily complete.
Evening Job
If you work through the day then you could use your evenings to make some extra money. When I first decided that I wanted to make additional money on the side of my job, I began working in a local take-away, delivering the orders. You could also look for restaurant and bar work, easy jobs which can help you to make that extra cash that you wanted. These jobs have a high amount of staff turnover and there are always vacancies in these industries.
If you have an eye for a bargain then you could really help yourself to make some extra money each month. People all over the world are using sites like eBay to sell bargains which they have picked up, and turn a profit on them, and you can too. Try to stick to one particular field, books for example, so that you can really gain loyal customers, and gain an understanding of what you are selling. Go at it hard and you can make the extra money which you have been looking for.